Author name: Ken Prussner


Tomorrow, Thursday, is US Thanksgiving.  We as a nation will give thanks.  I am taught and seek daily to give thanks…all year. I am thankful for the privilege to provide educational scholarships to young people who lost a parent or parents in high school and post high school and for supporters making scholarships possible. One

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STARS promoted

Kenya’s high school academic year follows the calender. Thus far, four STARS girls have returned to St Luke’s after finishing their first year of high school. I talked today with their mentor, our partner, who said all did well and are promoted to 2nd year of high school starting January 2012.

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In the USA on the 4th Thursday of the month of November, a day is set aside to give thanks. Thanksgiving day offers an approach to develop an attitude of thankfulness for each day of the year. This year we are thankful for our creator giving STARS Children Africa and St Luke’s Ministry the opportunity

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There is a covenant among the G-STARS in higher education, St Luke’s Ministries and STARS Children Africa.  In summary, the covenant is G-STARS academic excellence and sterling integrity, St Luke’s Ministries mentoring and administration and STARS Children Africa support and encouragement. Making a difference in a life and society supporting STARS in higher education and

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